Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Hoplite Revolution and Greek Warfare essays

The Hoplite Revolution and Greek Warfare essays One of the social issues around 356 BC- 400 BC was warfare in Ancient Greece. For the Greeks war was more than tactics, strategy and blood; it was linked to almost every aspect other social organization. Greeks warfare displayed the honesty of two armies facing each other head on in broad daylight. The soldiers were called hoplites. The heavily armed hoplite of the fighting unit wore bronze armor on his shins and chest and a bronze helmet slit with a narrow opening for eyes and mouth. He carried a heavy wooden shield in his left hand. His weapon a pike; a heavy wooden, iron tipped thrusting spear at least 9 feet long; and a short, iron stabbing sword. A hoplites panoply weight range from fifty to seventy pounds. The solid bronze helmet that the average hoplite wore weighed approximately five pounds and covered the head and parts of the face and neck. The solid headpieces also provided no ventilation, often times leading to dehydration. The men in the phalanx were lined up in rows; usually four to eight rows deep. The phalanx was positioned usually near a mountain. If there were no mountain they would usually be lined up between two rivers. The phalanx formation called for each man to trust his neighboring infantryman often times a friend or a relative. With a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right, each man dependent on his fellow hoplites shield for full body coverage. Battles were won and lost depending on the phalanxs ability to hold its formation. Every hoplite helped, they all worked together. There was no individual hero. If a hoplite went individually he would die very quick. It was very important to keep the chain together. It was also very dangerous to trip and fall, because your fellows would walk over you. One weak link in the chain of infantryman could create a gap that was potentially fatal if exploited. For this reason, the younger hoplites with some experience were place ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Easy Guide to the 30-60-90 Triangle

The Easy Guide to the 30-60-90 Triangle SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Acute, obtuse, isosceles, equilateral†¦.When it comes to triangles, there are many different varieties, but only a choice few that are â€Å"special.† These special triangles have sides and angles which are consistent and predictable and can be used to shortcut your way through your geometry or trigonometry problems. And a 30-60-90 triangle- pronounced â€Å"thirty sixty ninety†- happens to be a very special type of triangle indeed. In this guide, we’ll walk you through what a 30-60-90 triangle is, why it works, and when (and how) to use your knowledge of it. So let’s get to it! What Is a 30-60-90 Triangle? A 30-60-90 triangle is a special right triangle (a right triangle being any triangle that contains a 90 degree angle) that always has degree angles of 30 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees. Because it is a special triangle, it also has side length values which are always in a consistent relationship with one another. The basic 30-60-90 triangle ratiois: Side opposite the 30 ° angle: x Side opposite the 60 ° angle: x * √3 Side opposite the 90 ° angle: 2x For example, a 30-60-90 degree triangle could have side lengths of: 2, 2√3, 4 7, 7√3, 14 √3,3, 2√3 (Why is the longer leg 3?In this triangle, the shortest leg (x) is √3, so for the longerleg, x√3 = √3 *√3 = √9 = 3. And the hypotenuse is 2 times the shortestleg, or 2√3) And so on. The side opposite the 30 ° angle is always the smallest, because 30 degrees is the smallest angle. The side opposite the 60 ° angle will be the middle length, because 60 degrees is the mid-sized degree angle in this triangle. And, finally, the side opposite the 90 ° angle will always be the largest side (the hypotenuse) because 90 degrees is the largest angle. Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Though it may look similar to other types of right triangles, the reason a 30-60-90 triangle is so special is that you only need three pieces of informationin order to find every othermeasurement. So long as you know the value oftwo angle measures and one side length (doesn’t matter which side), you know everything you need to know about your triangle. For example, we can use the30-60-90 triangle formula tofill in all the remaining information blanks of the triangles below. Example 1 We can see that this is a right triangle in which the hypotenuse is twice the length of one of the legs. This means this must be a 30-60-90 triangle and the smaller given sideis opposite the 30 °. The longer leg must, therefore, be opposite the 60 ° angle and measure 6 *√3, or 6√3. Example 2 We can see that this must be a 30-60-90 triangle because we can seethat this is a right triangle with one given measurement, 30 °. The unmarked angle must then be 60 °. Since 18 is the measure opposite the 60 ° angle, it must be equal to x√3. The shortest leg must then measure $18/√3$. (Note that the leg lengthwill actually be $18/{√3} *{√3}/{√3} = {18√3}/3 = 6√3$ because adenominator cannot contain a radical/square root). And the hypotenuse will be $2(18/√3)$ (Note that, again, you cannot have a radical in the denominator, so the final answer will really be 2 times the leg length of 6√3= 12√3). Example 3 Again, we are given two angle measurements (90 ° and 60 °), so the third measure will be 30 °. Because this is a 30-60-90 triangle and the hypotenuse is 30, the shortest leg will equal 15 and the longer leg will equal 15√3. No need to consult the magic eight ball- these rules always work. Why It Works: 30-60-90 Triangle Theorem Proof But why does this special triangle work the way it does? How do we know these rules are legit? Let’s walk through exactly how the 30-60-90 triangle theorem works and prove why these side lengths will always be consistent. First, let’s forget about right triangles for a second and look at an equilateral triangle. An equilateral triangle is a triangle that has all equal sides and all equal angles. Because a triangle’s interior angles always add up to 180 ° and $180/3 = 60$, an equilateral triangle will always have three 60 ° angles. Now let's drop down a height from the topmost angle to the base of the triangle. We've now created two right angles and two congruent (equal) triangles. How do we know they’re equal triangles? Because we dropped a height from an equilateral triangle, we’ve split the base exactly in half. The new triangles also share one side length (the height), and they each have the same hypotenuse length. Because they share three side lengths in common (SSS), this means the triangles are congruent. Note: not only are the two triangles congruent based on the principles of side-side-side lengths, or SSS, but also based on side-angle-side measures (SAS), angle-angle-side (AAS), and angle-side-angle (ASA). Basically? They're most definitely congruent. Now that we’ve proven the congruencies of the two new triangles, we can see that the top angles must each be equal to 30 degrees (because each triangle already has angles of 90 ° and 60 ° and must add up to 180 °). This means we have made two 30-60-90 triangles. And because we know that we cutthe base of the equilateral triangle in half, we can see that the side opposite the 30 ° angle (the shortest side) of each of our 30-60-90 triangles is exactly half the length of the hypotenuse. So let us call our original side length x and our bisected length $x/2$. Now all that leaves us to do is to find our mid-side length that the two triangles share. To do this, we can simply use the pythagorean theorem. $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ $(x/2)^2 + b^2 = x^2$ $b^2 = x^2 - ({x^2}/4)$ $b^2 = {4x^2}/4 - {x^2}/4$ $b^2 = {3x^2}/4$ $b = {√3x}/2$ So we're left with: $x/2, {x√3}/2, x$ Now let's multiply each measure by 2, just to make life easier and avoid all the fractions. That way, we're left with: x, x√3, 2x We can see, therefore, that a 30-60-90 triangle will always have consistent side lengths of x, x√3, and 2x (or $x/2$, ${√3x}/2$, and x). Luckily for us, we can prove 30-60-90 triangle rules true without all of...this. When to Use30-60-90 Triangle Rules Knowing the30-60-90 triangle rules will be able to save you time and energy on a multitude of different math problems, namely a wide variety of geometry and trigonometry problems. Geometry Proper understanding of the 30-60-90 triangles will allow you to solve geometry questions that would either be impossible to solve without knowing these ratio rules, or at the very least, would take considerable time and effort to solve the "long way." With thespecial triangle ratios, you can figure out missing triangle heights or leg lengths (without having to use the pythagorean theorem), find the area of a triangle by using missing height or base length information, and quickly calculate perimeters. Any time you need speed to answer a question, remembering shortcuts like your 30-60-90 rules will come in handy. Trigonometry Memorizing and understanding the 30-60-90 triangle ratio will also allow you to solve many trigonometry problems without either the need for a calculator or the needto approximate your answers in decimal form. A 30-60-90 triangle has fairly simple sines, cosines, and tangents for each angle (and these measurements will always be consistent). Sine of 30 ° will always be $1/2$. Cosine of 60 ° will always be $1/2$. Though the other sines, cosines, and tangents are fairly simple, these are the two that are the easiest to memorize and are likely to show up on tests. So knowing these rules will allowyou to find these trigonometry measurements as quickly as possible. Tips for Remembering the30-60-90 Rules You know these30-60-90 ratio rules are useful, but how do you keep the information in your head? Remembering the30-60-90 triangle rules is a matter of remembering the ratio of 1: √3: 2, and knowing that the shortest side length is always opposite the shortest angle (30 °) and the longest side length is always opposite the largest angle (90 °). Some people memorize the ratio by thinking,â€Å"x, 2x, x√3,† because the â€Å"1, 2, 3† succession is typically easy to remember. The one precaution to using this technique is to remember that the longest side is actually the 2x, not the x times √3. Another way to remember your ratios is to use a mnemonic wordplay on the 1: root 3: 2 ratio in their proper order. For example, â€Å"Jackie Mitchell struck out Lou Gehrig and ‘won Ruthy too,’†: one, root three, two. (And it's a true baseball history fact to boot!) Play around with your own mnemonic devices if these don’t appeal to you- sing the ratio to a song, find your own â€Å"one, root three, two† phrases, or come up with a ratio poem. You can even just remember that a 30-60-90 triangle is half an equilateral and figure out the measurements from there if you don't like memorizing them. However it makes sense to you to rememberthese 30-60-90 rules, keep those ratios your head for your future geometry and trigonometry questions. Memorization is your friend, however you can make it happen. Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Example 30-60-90 Questions Now that we've looked at the hows and whys of 30-60-90 triangles, let's work throughsome practice problems. Geometry A construction worker leans a 40-foot ladder up against the side of a building at an angle of 30 degrees off the ground. The ground is level and the side of the building is perpendicular to the ground. How far up the building does the ladder reach, to the nearest foot? Without knowing our 30-60-90 special triangle rules, we would have to use trigonometry and a calculator to find the solution to this problem, since we only have one side measurement of a triangle. But because we know that this is a special triangle, we can find the answer in just seconds. If the building and the ground are perpendicular to one another, that must mean the building and the ground form a right (90 °) angle. It’s also a given that the ladder meets the ground at a 30 ° angle. We can therefore see that the remaining angle must be 60 °, which makes this a 30-60-90 triangle. Now we know that the hypotenuse (longest side) of this 30-60-90 is 40 feet, which means that the shortest side will be half that length. (Remember that the longest side is always twice- 2x- as long as the shortest side.) Because the shortest side is opposite the 30 ° angle, and that angle is the degree measure of the ladder from the ground, that means that the top of the ladder hits the building 20 feet off the ground. Our final answer is 20 feet. Trigonometry If, in a right triangle, sinÃŽËœ = $1/2$ and the shortest leg lengthis 8. What is the length of the missing side that is NOT the hypotenuse? Because you know your 30-60-90 rules, you can solve this problem without the need for either the pythagorean theorem or a calculator. We were told that this is a right triangle, and we know from our special right triangle rules that sine 30 ° = $1/2$. The missing angle must, therefore, be 60 degrees, which makes this a 30-60-90 triangle. And because this is a 30-60-90 triangle, and we were told that the shortest side is 8, the hypotenuse must be 16 and the missing side must be 8 * √3, or 8√3. Our final answer is 8√3. The Take-Aways Remembering the rules for 30-60-90 triangles will help you to shortcut your way through a variety of math problems. But do keep in mind that, while knowing these rules isa handy tool to keep in your belt, you can still solve mostproblems without them. Keep track of the rules of x, x√3, 2x and 30-60-90 in whatever way makes sense to you and try to keep them straight if you can, but don't panic if your mind blanks out when it's crunch time. Either way, you've got this. And, if you need more practice, go ahead and check out this 30-60-90 triangle quiz. Happy test-taking!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CMG301 MOD 3 CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CMG301 MOD 3 CA - Essay Example On receipt of the customers’ notice of dissatisfaction, the contractor will first attempt to resolve any outstanding issues directly with the customer. If this does not resolve the customers’ complaints, the matter will be referred to the State of Washington Contractors’ Association for mediation. Only if this does not resolve the matter are the parties free to litigate their differences. Unless otherwise agreed to by the contractor, the remaining $750 must be paid within 30 days of the customers’ acceptance of the work. 2) The remaining $500 still owing must then be paid in 5 consecutive monthly installments, with the first one due within 60 days of work completion and receipt of a final invoice. These deferred payments are subject to a 10% interest charge payable with the first installment. Therefore the deferred payments will be $100 each, with the exception of the first one which will be $150. The deferred payments including interest will be $550 and under this plan the total cost of the contract will be $1050. If this option is accepted by the contractor, this will be confirmed by an amendment to the contract signed by both

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Vietnam and Philippines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Vietnam and Philippines - Essay Example While the political elites in the country may not have wished to share their authority and command with other leaders and the populace, this situation was necessitated by the states experience of near starvation in the 80s - a situation that demanded that the political leadership open up to other interest groups for the country’s survival. Philippines on the other hand has a weak state that is characterized by weak social institutions and personalistic presidential politics. The national and central government has massive control over the public and private sectors with power entrenched in oligarchs, their families, and their cronies. Generally, the centralization of government in Philippines has led the country to be less competitive as oligarchs and clans retain control over resources. Even though electoral democracy exists in the Philippines, the country continues to witness systemic corruption and limited economic growth compared to Vietnam which has an authoritarian government. This is the case with the Philippines considering that the social institutions and government bodies that are charged with the responsibility of fighting corruption and putting the government on check are dominated by different clans and oligarchs who are keen on protecting their interests as opposed to performing their duties. The power that the oligarchs, their families, and their cronies wield together with the personalistic politics that characterize the country have seen corruption thrive in the Philippines. This is not the case in Vietnam where the government is decentralized, political leaders have responsibility to their constituents, and provinces have the power to control what is done at the state

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Essay Example for Free

Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Essay Subject: Human trafficking is the illegal trade in persons used for reproductive slavery, sexual exploitation, forced labor, organ removal, and other forms of slavery. In Argentina, it is a crime punishable by law, however the country continues to be a source and hub for trafficking. Executive Summary: Human trafficking is an international crime, and a violation of human rights; however, it is a felony that is still committed frequently throughout the international community. The issue stems from a lack of communication between provincial and federal governments, as well as the lack of tri-border control. In order to combat this, government officials and law enforcement officers need to be educated on the red flags of human trafficking. There also needs to be more funding and support for legal systems and organizations advocating to end human trafficking. Additionally, there needs to be more border control on the three borders that surround Argentina. Discussion: According to the  ­Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking, trafficking is defined as â€Å"the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability† (UNODC). Trafficking is not  limited to sexual exploitation; practices include: forced labor or services, slavery, servitude, or the removal of organs. This is an ongoing issue because the United Nations as well as individual countries have laws against these crimes but no one to ensure that the laws are being followed. In Argentina, human trafficking is now part of the political agenda because of its link to organized crime. Official policy in Argentina has made progress in dealing with human trafficking, they have signed and ratified all UN conventions and protocols dealing with human trafficking as a crime. In 2000, Argentina signed the â€Å"Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children†, this supplemented the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNODC). The protocol was later ratified in 2002, however there is still progress to be made because the number of people being trafficked it still high. In 2010, more than 600 women were abducted in 18 months, â€Å"for each known case there are 6 others which remain invisible† (Pichà ©). Argentina is a central point for human trafficking trade; men, women, and children from northern and rural areas are forced into prostitution in urban centers or wealthier provinces in central and southern Argentina. Many of those trafficked through the triple frontier are destined for the illegal labour market in Argentina. However in Argentina, it is estimated that 90 percent of the trafficking victims are sexually exploited women. Additionally, women from Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic are subjected to trafficking in Argentina. According the United States Department of state, â€Å"in 2011 the number of labor trafficking victims identified was over three times the number of sex trafficking victims identified during the year† (Trafficking). Argentina has consistently attracted migrants from Latin American regions seeking better economic opportunities. There are about 2 million immigrants from Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. Illegal immigration fuels the trafficking business because they are smuggled into the country, and they are easy victims for trafficking rings (Project Protection). At the same time, Argentineans from the northern provinces are at high risk for  trafficking because of extreme poverty, lack of education, and access to health services. Police in the northwestern province of Jujuy have received more than 50 reports of missing young women since September 2005. Most of these women have gone to see about jobs and were never seen again (Project Protection). Most end up in major cities and tourist areas Corruption within the police force has also prevented Argentina from decreasing trafficking rates in the country. It has been reported that police officials have participated in criminal activities related to trafficking, which thwarts government efforts to prevent trafficking from happening. According to a report released by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, authorities are currently investigating over 75 federal officials who have been removed from their positions after turning a blind eye to trafficking related problems. However as of 2011, the government did not prosecute or convict any government officials involved in human trafficking. Officers have looked in the other direction when coming across sex and labor trafficking activity, or tipped off brothel owners about raids coming up. The Argentine government has made progress over the past few years collecting data and stopping human trafficking. Over the past year, the government has reported and recorded the number of trafficking victims found, and implemented protocols and guidelines to eliminate trafficking, the country has increased prosecutions and convictions of trafficking. Further, the Argentine government funded five shelters to set up throughout the country as safe-havens. Part of the progress made is due to one of the most well known cases in Argentina, the case involving Marita Veron. Maria de los Angeles Veron (Marita) went missing in 2002, when she was kidnapped. A few days later she was seen escaping from a house, but was taken on to a bus where she was never seen again. Her mother launched a campaign to find her daughter, and soon became a symbol of the fight against human trafficking in Argentina. The Ministry of Security reported identifying about 1,000 victims, most of these victims being brought into Argentina from other countries such as Paraguay and Bolivia. A majority of human trafficking cases reported are reported as forced labor cases however, recently their have been more sex trafficking cases than labor cases. The quality and legal treatment of the victims varies from region to region, and many provinces lacked resources to care for trafficking victims, especially those in forced labor trafficking situations. Once the initial testimony is recorded, it is up to the Secretariat for Childhood, Adolescence, and Family (SENAF) of the Ministry of Social Development to provide follow-up care and assistance alongside the provincial authorities. The government officials in each province, as well as SENAF officials should have greater access to resources needed to provide the best care possible to human trafficking victims. According to the NGO, the office’s effectiveness in providing sufficient care for human trafficking victims is consistently questioned based on flawed data reports and the inability to provide service to the victims. Poor coordination among officials in Argentina is preventing the human rights laws from being as effective as they could. The lack of communication between the federal and provincial governments continues to hinder the effectiveness of anti- trafficking efforts. In many provinces, there is limited or no funding for the provincial and local efforts working to combat human trafficking in their area which creates an issue in making sure victims receive the proper care. Authorities reported funding campaigns for public awareness and public service announcements about trafficking. These PSA’s are being shown on long distance buses and aired on television, but until the country receives the proper funding, support for legal systems, the human trafficking problem will continue. In December 2010, the new Ministry of Security attempted to coordinate the  efforts of different federal law entities, create a database system for human trafficking crimes, and establish protocols with other ministries to strength federal-level collaboration. NGO’s also targeted the Ministry of Security, government officials, and federal law officers in order to improve the enforcement of human trafficking laws in Argentina. Specialized services for trafficking victims remain uneven across the country; competing mandates and lack of coordination between federal and provincial authorities caused delays in some investigations, and significant allegations of trafficking-related complicity of government officials at the local and federal level prevented more comprehensive anti-trafficking efforts. With the corrupt police force, and lack of funding, Argentina will never be able to successfully implement the programs. NGOs and some officials asserted that poor coordination among the federal and provincial governments continued to hinder the effectiveness of anti-trafficking efforts, as did limited or nonexistent funding for provincial and local efforts to combat trafficking. The Argentine Government, in collaboration with the International Organization of Migrations, has recently published a report on human trafficking. The report identified crucial gaps in the fight against human trafficking that need to be addressed: 1. The lack of qualification of judiciary personnel and the lack of knowledge concerning the dynamics of human trafficking networks and international and national laws and treaties. 2. The lack of security along the Tri-Border area. 3. The lack of human and material resources to carry out adequate investigations. 4. The absence of programs for the middle and long-term assistance to the victims and lack of protection for the witnesses. The biggest issue for Argentina comes from the Tri-Border area. Along the border between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, young prostituted children and adolescents can be seen on the streets of towns such as Puerto Iguazu,  Argentina; Foz do Iguazu, Brazil; and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. After years of debate within the Senate in Argentina, a law was passed to â€Å"prevent trafficking in persons, protect victims of trafficking, and punish perpetrators of human trafficking† (Project Protection). Under the new law, prison sentences were established for those convicted of participating in the recruitment, transportation, or reception of people for the purpose of sexual or labor exploitation. The law provides protective measures for victims of trafficking, and gives victims the right to free psychological, medical, and legal assistance, in addition to the right to privacy. The Organization of American State has closely watched Argentina’s anti-trafficking efforts. the Argentine government has partnered with an institute in Buenos Airs to create incentives in urban areas for companies that obey the country’s labor laws. Based on the issues identified above, it is recommended that the Argentine government uses a multilateral approach to stop trafficking. Recommended action : In order for Argentina to successfully combat human trafficking at a national level, the government needs to continue to implement the anti-trafficking law with increased efforts to investigate, prosecute, convict, and punish trafficking offenders, including public and police officials who are involved in trafficking crimes. An increase in funding for victim assistance, particularly through shelters and specialized services, on a local and national level would also be beneficial to stopping internal trafficking. There should be continued education for law enforcement officials, public figures, a judiciary actors to know how to stop a trafficking ring. To prevent trafficking in individual provinces in Argentina, the government must develop and implement protocols for provincial officials to identify and assist trafficking victims. Continued investigations of labor  trafficking in urban and rural areas of Argentina, and holding companies whose supply chains benefit from labor trafficking accountable for their actions. The government needs to have better communication between the federal and provincial officials to develop and national anti-trafficking plan, and continue to raise awareness nationwide. The multilateral approach to educating and preventing trafficking in Argentina involves an agreement between the Defense Ministry, and the Buenos Aires provincial Education Ministry. This partnership would create protection by educating military and law enforcement officials, in addition to students to be aware of the human trafficking issue, and how to prevent and protect themselves. The final solution is better border control across the tri-frontier. The geography already creates an area that is hard to protect. It is hard to monitor traffic coming in and out of three countries, and some people just completely surpass border control and show no identification when passing between one country and the next. This area annually generates over $6 billion of illicit money and is nearly devoid of all governmental control. Most governments among the TBA deny the problem claiming they have not detected activity in the regions, but other countries disagree. It is vital that Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina start paying closer attention to the border in order to stop trafficking among other illicit activity. The Argentine government’s multilateral approach to stopping trafficking by educating, training, raising awareness, and implementing better border control will help to decrease trafficking rates in Argentina, and eventually put a stop to it. Thank you for your time, Melanie Rose Sources:

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Harlem Renaissance Essay -- Culture

The Harlem Renaissance In Harlem between the 1920’s and 1930’s the African American culture flourished, especially in areas such as music, art, literature, dance, and even in film. This soon became known as the Harlem Renaissance. With the entire positive and the negative situations of this time period the African Americans still seemed to have it all. The Harlem Renaissance came about because of the changes that had taken place in the African American community after the abolition of slavery because of World War I and the social and cultural changes in early 20th century in the United States. After harsh conditions for African Americans after the Plessy vs. Ferguson Trial many of them decided to move to the North to New York. By staying in the South they became more and more economically depressed and there was less of a demand for labor. Moving to the North became one of the best things African Americans did for themselves. There, men could vote and there was a better education system fo r children. As a result of World War I and the Industrial Revolution there were better job opportunities for African Americans as well. At the end of the American Civil War in 1865 many free African Americans searched for a place with education and employment opportunities. They ended up finding this place in Harlem, New York. This was where the first black middle class was created. In the early 1900’s the African American middle class began to publicize for racial equality. During this time W.E.B DuBois was the head of the civil rights movement. Soon after, he began to work closely together with other civil rights workers and activists. Together they discovered the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, also known as t... ...issance applauded the appreciation of the African American roots and culture. For example, literature written during this time showed artistic and imaginative ideas freeing black people from their past life and what happened to their ancestors just years before. Since these cultural experiences were now shared the African Americans celebrated this and today it gives us just a little bit of an outlook on some of our history. Works Cited Wallington, D. (2006) Harlem Renaissance Wiseman, G. (2008) How the Harlem Renaissance inspired a national community of black writers Watson, Steven. (1995) The Harlem Renaissance: Hub of African American Culture (1920-1930) Baker, Houston. (1992) Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pepsi Case Study Essay

Strategic issue Maintain competitive focus, while splitting PepsiCo and creating governance for the new Pepsi Bottling Group. Internal Analysis Pepsi was invented in 1893, establishing a franchise bottling system of 270 bottlers by 1910. Pepsi struggled in its early years declaring bankruptcy twice. The 1970’s and early 80’s, Pepsi surpassed Coke for the first time. Bottling was a capital-intensive business and involved highly specialized production lines. Bottling and canning could cost between $4 million to $10 million each with a minimal investment cost for a small bottling facility of $25 million to $35 million. It was estimated that 80 to 85 plants were required for full U.S.-distribution, with the cost of a fully efficient large plant with a capacity of 40 million cases to be $75 million in 1998. Among top bottlers in 1998, packaging accounted for 50 per cent of costs of goods sold, concentrate 33 per cent, sweeteners 10 per cent, and labor most of the remaining variable costs. While bottlers’ gross profits often exceeded 40 per cent, operating margins were very thin. Given the intense service prov ided by the bottlers, the relationship between the bottlers and end retailers was critical to success and sales. Pepsi structured its contracts with bottlers so that bottlers were required to purchase concentrate from Pepsi at prices set by Pepsi, giving them much greater flexibility. In the mid 80’s, Pepsi began acquiring many of its independent bottlers and by the mid 1990’s, Pepsi owned half of these outright and had equity positions in many others. Pepsi focused heavily on diversification within the beverage industry as well as beyond that in first into snack foods, with the merger forming PepsiCo and again with Frito-lay, purchased fast-food chains and casual-dining restaurants. Some of these endeavors went well such as the snack foods while restaurant expansion was failing. Analysts became concerned that Pepsi was over extending itself and was in doomed if they continued down the same path. Pepsi made the right choice exiting the casual dining market, with a slimmed down more focused future they could now focus on new profitable ventures. Pepsi’s biggest challenge now was to â€Å"reinvent itself and become a more formidable competitor.† A looming opportunity for Pepsi to be a more effective competitor would be if they were to mimic Coca-Cola’s CCE, which would raise billions of dollars. The result would make Pepsi more competitive and responsive to their  customers by allowing them to separate and focus on different functional areas of the company. The newly created Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) would be the world’s largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, which will provide PBG billion in cash when it goes public. The biggest challenge however was not the IPO, but rather creating a system of corporate governance to see PBG into the future. Craig Weatherup, current president of PepsiCo, CEO of worldwide beverages is faced with splitting PepsiCo’s worldwide bottling company from its concentrate business and the public offering of the PGB , which he would become CEO, and establishes their governance. External Analysis Business began in the Great Depression when it started competing with Coke offering twice the volume for the same price. The cola wars officially began in the 1950’s and continued throughout the century. Intense advertising battles, new packaging, new product introductions, international expansion and price wars erupted between the two companies. Pepsi captured Soviet markets and scored other international successes while Coke international success was dwindling due to poor relations with bottling partners. Pepsi profited from another of Coke’s mistakes, when Coke launched â€Å"New Coke†. However, Pepsi’s luck was short lived when Coke reinstated its old recipe. Originally Coca-Cola agreed to fix price contracts to allow for some adjustment with bottlers. In the 1980’s coke announced a refranchising plan that would eliminate weak bottlers, and expand large bottlers outside of their geographic territories. Additionally coke started to buy all of its bottlers, and created Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), and independent bottling subsidiary, selling 51% of its shares. By 1998, CCE accounted for more than 60 per cent of Coke North America’s volume and had worldwide sales of approximately $15 billion. The environment of PBG’s IPO was not ideal despite its anticipation by the market as everyone and everything was focused on the dot-com world. Identification and Evaluation of courses of action In order to stay competitive with Coca-Cola, PBG must happen in order to bring in cash flows for future investments. The most difficult task will be to assemble the new board for Pepsi Bottling Group and meeting deadlines by  which the CEO of Pepsi must have a board of directors in place. Corporate governance is the set of rules affecting the way Processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed. The most likely form of governance for Weatherup to take would be the market-based, most common in the U.S. because of its correlation with the stock market and prices. Since the markets are the primary source of capital, investors are given the most power in determining corporate policies. Therefore, the system relies on the capital markets to exert control over the corporation’s manag ement. Weatherup knew that changes of this magnitude could cause widespread confusion, so one way he could quickly assemble a board and governance would be to fall back on old colleagues and executives of PepsiCo and model PBG with similar persons and mechanisms. An option would be to try to imitate Coca-Cola’s board, and obtain members from their board. Mimicking successful past behaviors of Coca-Cola has boasted well for PepsiCo in the past, so it is likely that new governance similar to theirs would work too. In the past, it has shown that when Pepsi deviates from what Coke is doing it often results in negative outcomes for Pepsi. Having a similar board of directors could keep Pepsi in more of a Coke frame of mind and combine the best from both worlds. A negative drawback to this option would be that it would be very possible for future conflicts of interest and corruption with such close ties. Another option could be, for all of the responsibilities Weatherup is facing he could simply appoint someone else whom he sees fit, from the new board, to serve as CEO in the near future, and have them work closely with Weatherup as he establishes systems, and policies making sure everything stays in line with the original focus. That way you would have his knowledge, skills, and expertise to establish the governance and complete all of the executive duties, but his predecessor would be there watching to see how it was all created and will soon run, it would be similar to an apprenticeship. A positive outcome is that everything would occur on time by the preferred persons. A negative is that people may have doubts in the new CEO’s ability to run the company without the presence of Weatherup, and such uncertainty, could cause for stock prices to fall. Another option could be for Weatherup to ask for an  extension for when PBG goes public. He is said to be â€Å"wearing many hats, stretched too thin, etc.† Extra time would prevent Weatherup from having to rush through policy establishing processes, and could give him the option of picking the very best board of directors available rather just the first people available. Another pro to this option is that it is mentioned that the dot-com. stocks are what is making all the money, so waiting to sell the IPO’s could turn out to be more profitable in the long run.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Crash Paper

Crash displayed various aspects of racism and stereotypes that occur everyday. One of the three major scenes in the movie that stood out was when the two officers pull over a black couple. Obviously they've done nothing completely harmful, reckless or dangerous. The leading officer claims the wife was performing falatio, while driving a vehicle, which could be a form of reckless driving and can be penalized for it. In fear of authority, and in all respect, the husband complies as polite as possible to the officers demands. While doing so, the officer is responding in the rudest manor.He asks the officer if it's okay to reach in the glove department for his paperwork and the officer replies with a very suspicious â€Å"yeah nice and slow†. Now on the other hand, the other officer takes no part in what goes on next because he knows what's right and wrong, he's deemed the â€Å"good† cop. The leading officer comes back to test him if he's drunk and driving and he wasn't. C omplying with the officer once again, he did it. His wife, a little drunk, tries to explain in a firm manor that they've done nothing wrong and what he's doing is wrong.Feeling an undermining to his authority, he gets angry and as she gets out of the car to confront him he tells the couple to turn around and place their hands behind their heads. As he pats down his wife, he grabs her inappropriately and asks what should be done since what they've done can technically be seen as a crime. Coming back to complying to an authoritarian figure out of fear and recognition of authority, her husband had one of two choices; he either could've spoken up, done something about it and got arrested or kept quiet, let him do what he knew was wrong and be let off with just a warning.Thinking that he would not win over an authority figure like the cop's word, he didn't say anything and let it happen. This situation brings up â€Å"The Authoritarian Personality† from one of the theories of prej udice in which the man complied to everything the officer asked for by just being or even just looking to be an authority figure. Also, the officer shows that intolerance and aggression as one would to those who don't conform as well, as you would see in The Authoritarian Personality. There's an automatic fear that comes to people when they think of the police.It's the fact that they're given that title of an officer of the law that leaves you naive to think anything he does is ok and even though you know it's wrong sometimes, you don't have the courage to say it cause you're not supposed to. It's not the norm of society. The second scene is where two black men walk out of the restaurant and the first one is the one that blames everything bad possible on his misfortune of being black. He continues on to complain about how since he's black he had to wait a lot longer than the white people that were there being served.As he complained about what he didn't get because he was black, his friend reminds him that he didn't even want what he was complaining for and it's not cause they're both black. As his friend starts to make his case, he also reminds him that the waitress was indeed black and they weren't racially prejudice. But he goes ahead anyways to continue blaming his skin color and that the waitress presumed that since they were dressed a certain way and talked a certain way they weren't going to tip, so she waited a little longer to serve them.These are all examples of â€Å"Frustration and Scapegoating† from one of the theories of prejudice. It shows his need to blame white people for his personal shortcomings and misfortunes, such as waiting a long time to be served and being looked at as a threatening figure in society. Although, he wasn't going to tip anyways and he and his friend are car-jackers. It's crazy and ironic how he'd think that. And if there was such a stereotype, then why not beat it.To make it worse, he lived up to those same stereot ypes and continued to blame other things. In the last scene, a middle eastern family man has a business which is his only source of income. From past experience and safety reasons he tells his, more educated and literate, American daughter to buy a gun for the store's protection and his own. He orders a guy to come in and change the locks as well, but the problem happens to be the door and not the locks. He hires a technician to change the locks and he happens to be Hispanic.The Hispanic technician is a father of a five year old girl that moved out of his old neighborhood for her safety and a better upbringing. A couple days after, the two get into a fight, in which the middle eastern store owner screams at him for not changing the locks meanwhile the door is the one that needs a replacement, as the technician tries to explain. As the argument sprouts, the technician just wants his money and wants to leave but the owner doesn't pay him and in anger he leaves.The next day the store g ets torn apart, robbed and vandalized in all kinds of ways and now the store owner is left with nothing and his life is ruined. In anger and to gain vengeance, he takes the gun and directly assumes it was the lock technician that left in anger from the other day. As one of the theories of prejudice, selective perception, is portrayed here when he automatically assumes it was the Hispanic guy that talks a certain way and has visible eye-catching tattoos.Coming to an immediate conclusion that it was him, he goes to his house and asks for his money for the store and fires the blank bullet exactly when his daughter came in between. Both were left in shock, to only find out that it was a blank bullet. He had no evidence that it was him but just because he was Hispanic and looked like he would do something like that, he came to a conclusion that it was him. Ironically, the guy was the nicest man and an incredible father and proved his selective perception wrong. Assuming is a root to a ki nd of prejudice as well and this scene was a great example.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Metaphysics essays

Metaphysics essays Have you ever thought you heard something, but there was nothing there? Have you ever thought you saw someone in the corner of your eye, and when you looked there was no person there? There are thousands of occasions when we think something is really there, but when we go to investigate, we find no culprit for the strange sight or sound. Some may say ghosts had made the sounds some may say it was just part of our brain making up the sound or vision. If we are wrong on some occasions about what we sense, is it not possible that we are always deceived? Logically I would say yes to this question. It is possible that things as we perceive them are not that way at all? What is real? It is one of lifes most challenging questions, and one which does not have a set answer. Life in general is full of mysteries which in many cases seem to contradict and confuse. What makes something real? Is it a physical object which is the most real, or is it something we cannot see, but experience mentally, in our everyday lives. I dont have a good answer. But as I search for a better understanding I hope to find an answer which, to me at least seems to be the right one. Some believe that everything is either mind or matter but not both. Mental things are thoughts, or ideas, that only the people having them can experience. But any material thing can be experienced by anyone with the sense organs, etc, to perceive it. The main difference, I suppose is that only I can experience my thoughts, Real things have mass, size, locations, etc. Whereas mental things do not. We do think in normal life about mind and matter as being ways to talk about thoughts and objects (or processes). But some thinkers deny the existence of mental events - believing everything is matter. And some deny the existence of material things - believing everything is mind. The scientific theory of reality might lead us to believe that we can only know 'mental e...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Aphaeresis in English

Definition and Examples of Aphaeresis in English Aphaeresis is a  rhetorical and phonological term for the omission of one or more sounds or syllables from the beginning of a word. Also spelled apheresis. Adjective: aphetic. Also called syllabic loss or initial vowel loss. Common examples of aphaeresis include round (from around), specially (from especially), and spy (from espy). Note that the deleted initial sound is usually a vowel. EtymologyFrom the Greek, taking away Examples and Observations Children learning to speak first tend to retain only the final syllable of words (-nette for marionnette, -range for orange), then two syllables (-anna for nanna, -octor for doctor). Loose pronunciation (xactly for exactly) has thus something childish about it. But in tention! (for Attention!) economy of effort and efficiency come into play.Like apocope, aphaeresis most commonly involves the slack use of an expression rather than a literary device.(Bernard Dupriez, A Dictionary of Literary Devices, trans. by Albert W. Halsall. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991)New Words From OldAphaeresis has given us a number of new words, like drawing-room (from withdrawing-room), fend (from defend; whence fender), sport (from disport), and stain (from distain). A number are aphetic in the narrow sense: pert (from now obsolete apert, going back ultimately to Latin appertus open), peal (from appeal), mend (from amend), fray (from affray), the verb ply (from apply), the adjective live (from alive), spy (f rom espy), and tend (from both attend and intend). In the above cases, significant semantic development followed the aphaeresis, so that one does not normally connect in ones mind the shortened and the original longer forms.(The Merriam-Webster New Book of Word Histories, 1991) Aphaeresis in Contemporary SpeechContrary to the substitution and addition of syllables, syllabic loss, known as aphaeresis, is not at all uncommon. In particular, the constraints under which it operates are exactly the ones predicted by the speech error data. The omissions occur in word-initial positions and affect unstressed syllables containing reduced vowels. Quite often, the syllable only consists of a vowel. . . .Indeed, aphaeresis occurs on a wide scale in the spoken language of today (and yesterday). . . . Typical examples include about in How bout that? and unless in I aint going less you do. . . . Relaxed circumstances are all that is needed for aphaeresis to occur.(Thomas Berg, Linguistic Structure and Change: An Explanation From Language Processing. Oxford University Press, 1998)The Lighter Side of AphaeresisI cant kill the possum [for opossum], cause [for because] it might be innocent. I cant let the possum go, because it might be guilty. Cant make a good soup, cant do a handstand in a pool. Cant spell the word lieutenant. There are a lot of cants in my life right now.(Amy Poehler as Lesley Knope in The Possum. Parks and Recreation, 2010) Pronunciation: a-FER-eh-ses

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Early Childhood Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Early Childhood Evaluation - Essay Example According to Neisworth, & Bagnato (2004), young children are being mismeasured if formal assessments are used against them. The authentic assessment alternative for infants and young children, they said, should not be those conventional, norm-referenced testing practices which can be detriment to young children. At play-based schools for young children, teachers and Stanford psychologists conclude that the play is the thing (Firth, 2006). The rationale is that in a play-based environment, curiosity and learning are best encouraged because children can choose from a broad range of developmentally appropriate activities. It is wrong to imagine that classes at play-based schools have no structure - the reason for the adamant stance of policy makers to recognize informal assessments (Firth, 2006). Apparently, the word "play" simply invokes mindless movements and killing time initiatives to those un-initiated, which may explain what people thought of as devoid of assessment. Against this backdrop is the fact that the traditional dichotomy between the public-school system and early education has typically meant that play-based curricula have not been practiced by educators within the public-school system, the locus of most policy makers (Erwin & Delair (2004). In most play-based schools, however, where a typical session in the morning or afternoon in two to three sessions per week, a choice is offered among painting, clay, building with blocks, making a book, carpentry (with wood, hammers and real nails), dressing up, working in the sand, or simply racing around or swinging (Frith, 2006). Schools today are under threat by the NCLB law (New York Times, February 14, 2005). Everywhere, there are protests from states where teachers try to protect their beliefs about teaching. The foremost obligation of educators then, according to Morrison (2006), is to reconcile standards with play-based practice. However, he said, in doing this, the following age-old theories and precepts propounded by educational philosophy should be recognized. For example, teachers believed Piaget (1962) who said play promotes cognitive development and enables children to construct knowledge; they have long recognized Montessori (1912) who said play is children's work; respect had long been granted Vygotsky (1978) who opined that social interactions during play are essential to children's cognitive and emotional development; and they had paid tribute to Erikson (1950) who maintained that play enables children to become partners with their futures. At kindergarten level, the developmental areas to be measured may be on levels of cognition, language or communication, motor, social/emotional adjustment, self-help and adaptive skills at (ERIC clearing house, 1999) but they do not necessarily preclude play as locus of measurements. How could you bring something into the kindergarten setting that would satisfy your AP's need for definitive scores and accountability while still maintaining an appropriate learning environment for the children Culled from the National Science Teachers' Association (NSTA) WebNews Digest from 2004 up to the present are what could shed light into the case of formal assessment: 1) Some 68 percent of Americans were not aware or had minimal knowledge of the federal

Friday, November 1, 2019

Identifying the Strategies Adopted by Apple Literature review

Identifying the Strategies Adopted by Apple - Literature review Example Responding to the Foxconn controversy, the management of Apple attempted to consider certain measures so as to overcome the problems faced in its Chinese workshops in terms of Voluntary Auditing in the business level. It is in this context that auditing assisted Apple to measure the performance of the Chinese workshops, according to which the management was able to plan its future strategies towards the enhancement of its performances in the internal as well as in the external business environment (Cook, 2012).According to the facts documented in the article, the business level strategies considered by Apple can be identified as concentrated on attaining market development with the virtues of the market share gained by iPhones and iPads. In this regard, the management of Apple further believes it to be beneficial enough in promoting the products to the various emerging markets taking the advantage of the already attained market position. In the corporate level, with due consideration to the advantages of operating as an open-up company, the management has been identified to provide greater significance towards its responsiveness concerning market fluctuations and competition. Furthermore, at the functional level, the strategy of rendering greater emphasis on its operational issues have deliberately assisted Apple to have a track on the competitive environment of its targeted market, thereby yielding significant competitive advantages (Cook, 2012).A corporate level strategy can be defined as the measure considered by the higher level officers of an organization towards conducting its overall operations in a consistent way. From a generalized point of view, the strategies considered by organizations at the corporate level, are principally based on particular issues such as the flexibility of organizational processes concerning the attainment of growth as well as stability, industrial competitiveness and also towards the cultivation of capabilities amid the busine ss units and the product lines.The corporate level strategy, considered by the management can be further identified as its measure to develop with the virtues of success earned by the prior product-lines of iPhones and iPads. With the help of this corporate level strategy, Apple desires to continuously expand its functioning to support the launch of new products in the near future. With reference to the context it can be stated that the management wishes to introduce new products with exciting features in the market and also to promote the existing products.